WED Summit

Women’s Entrepreneurship Day

Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Organization #WEDO2021 Summit

If you are passionate about making the world a better place for WOMEN then the #WEDO2021 Summit might spark your interest.

At this summit, your participation will bring awareness to the importance of the economically empowering WOMEN, as well as taking action to support the 6 following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals!

  1. No Poverty
  2. Quality Education
  3. Gender Equality
  4. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  5. Reduced Inequalities
  6. Partnerships for the goals

It is taking place in the Delegate Dining Room at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, or you can tune in virtually from the comfort of your own home!


find the agenda and book your space HERE.


Nov 19 2021


All Day

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