Love is in the air. It seems as soon as we wish you a Happy New Year its full-on Love season after that. I feel as humans we really need something to look forward to. And more so now that we have been living through the pandemic for a solid two years. As soon as February hits, people may be silent, but hearts are wondering about a particular number. Valentine’s day – A symbol of romance, poetry and love.

Ever since our landscape was changed by the pandemic, loneliness has reached a spike. Relationships have tumbled down but many have found love, and it’s a beautiful thing to see. So, what is Valentine’s day looking like this year?

Love on lock

I feel we have been very fortunate on our little rock. When the pandemic started, everyone was shocked and panicked. Governments were out of solution, and then, they bring the lockdowns. One of the good things that came out of the longest ever border closure was our freedom. Freedom to move around long before we even had a vaccine. The local businesses did a lot to elevate the experiences offered, and we reciprocated by doubling sown and buying and supporting local. Looking for more ways to do this, then check out Chelsea’s blog here highlighting local bakers for Valentine’s Day.

But, looking for love on a tiny island is already challenging so the lockdowns didn’t help. The search for love sometimes felt more like chasing a unicorn. However, being in a state of singleness is not all bad. According to Dr. Marcy, the lockdown is a great opportunity to find love. How does she explain it?

‘’During this period of increased solitude, it’s important that before you venture out into the world of dating, you have to turn within to inquire, explore, and connect with your authentic self’’, she said in article on relationships in Goop about dating during covid. In brief, that means that getting alone for a long period of time does teach you more about yourself. So, glow and grow on!

Is Love Day for Lovers Only?  

The answer should be no. I mean, don’t we all need love, especially on this day? But, as we know, the culture of our society tends to make fun of single on that particular day, and it’s not fun at all. On the other hand, those in romantic relationships also have their issues. A friend of mine recently posted on Facebook that some women feel targeted around this time of year to make extra for their lovers. But the opposite could also be said, with the expectation of the man carrying the load on Valentine’s Day. How do you feel about this whole situation?

But back to the question at hand, and my response would be Love day should be celebrated how you feel loved. If you want to spend the day alone or with a friend, then by all means be happy. The world is already upside down, I don’t think we should relegate valentines to just couples anymore.

Are you team #galentine or Team #valentine or both? I say, why choose!

Table For One Please

Do you normally dine alone? How about on Valentine’s Day? I regularly dine alone but I wouldn’t consider going out on Valentine’s Day specifically to celebrate love of self. But if you need to eat and ambience is your thing then maybe dining out on this day is just well not a big deal.

Looking at the adverts for Valentine’s Day this year I get the feeling that restaurants here also embracing the table for one trend with dinner menus priced ‘per person’.

Since the pandemic virtual dates are now a thing so you could dine alone but not alone. If your significant other was somewhere else, would you go out to a restaurant for a virtual date or stay home?

Hello Galentine

I am not the most romantic person, but I love all things love, valentine and galentine. I look forward to spending quality time with my gals around this time.

Like George Sand once:

“The greatest thing in life is to love and be loved’’.

So please, show some to your friends this weekend. I promise you will get it right back!

Celebrate Your Love All Month Long

When browsing the internet this week, other than seeing the various restaurant offers on social media for dinner – very reasonable considering and they are selling single seats so you can go dine alone if you wish. I also so more businesses offering month long deals not only on dinners, but spas and staycations as well. Of course my ears perked up after reminiscing on my last staycation at the Marriot, which I wrote about here. I am still trying to figure out how to squeeze a weekend staycation in my busy schedule before the month ends!

I think it’s a great opportunity if you can’t make it in time for the Valentine’s Day! So, check out these locations for some sweet February deals.